Coronavirus news: death toll soars past 560 - live update - Drama

Thursday 6 February 2020

Coronavirus news: death toll soars past 560 - live update

inese officials lashed out today at a growing number of international airlines and countries for suspending flights to China, criticizing the measures as "neither cool-headed . nor rational."
Well over 20 airlines have suspended or reduced flights to and from China, including major American carriers like Delta, American Airlines, and United Airlines.
“I must stress that certain countries’ ill-advised decisions to suspend flights to and from China are neither cool-headed nor rational," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.
"China is strongly concerned and dissatisfied. We hope relevant countries will bear in mind overall relations and people’s interests and resume normal operation of flights to guarantee normal people-to-people exchange and cooperation."
US sends supplies to China: Just a few days ago on Monday, Hua criticized the US for implementing travel restrictions and emergency measures while not providing any assistance to fighting the virus.
Yesterday, China confirmed that it had received supplies from the US. Today, Hua thanked the international community for its support, "including American companies, institutions, organizations and individuals."
Dutch airline KLM has temporarily suspended all flights to mainland China as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.
The airline plans to resume flights to Beijing and Shanghai on March 16 on alternate days, with a connection from Amsterdam to mainland China.
KLM’s daily flights to Beijing and Shanghai are to resume March 29, but for the time being, services to Chengdu, Hangzhou and Xiamen will remain suspended up to and including 28 March.
Air France has also extended its suspension to Shanghai and Beijing -- which started at the end of January -- until March 15. 
Air France said in a statement it plans to alternate one daily flight to both cities with KLM “depending on the evolution of the situation.” It plans to resume a normal flight schedule, including to and from Wuhan, from March 29.

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